Astro Boy
Astro boy starter blog template for build modern blog with astro build. Features: simple blog, auto SEO from astro, cover image blog, post article, markdown support.
Astro boy starter blog template for build modern blog with astro build. Features: simple blog, auto SEO from astro, cover image blog, post article, markdown support.
A website template dedicated to writers or story lovers who want to start writing their own. Cozy, inspiring and functional.
A Great Blog Theme for Astro.
Studiomax - A modern agency theme inspire on the 80s built with Astrojs and Talwind CSS for your agency
A clean & simple mobile app landing page with smooth animations & a perfect lighthouse score.
René is a modern portfolio theme designed with creatives in mind.
Indie Game Website Template fully customizable with a devlog section.
Personal Blog & Portfolio: Empower Your Digital Presence.
Phanatik - A fun and classic theme built with Astrojs and Talwind CSS for a blor or your personal website
Hemingway - A blog and literary website theme built with Astrojs and Talwind CSS for a blor or your personal website
A stunning SaaS theme for Astro using Tailwind CSS, with a blog. Multiple landing pages and sections to make it yours.
Flaco - A dark and sleek theme built with Astrojs and Talwind CSS for a blor or your personal website
Anyone can submit a theme to Astro. If you have questions about building your own theme, join our community on Discord!
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